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Welcome to Soundctuary

Soundctuary is a collaborative platform for sound enthusiasts.

Not only do we gather here to share our recent explorations and discoveries, we also creatively expand our knowledge by organizing encounters where our main objective is real-time experimentation and sharing of our body of work with the external world.

Who can join Soundctuary ?

Sound Artists & Musicians

Soundctuary is dedicated to supporting the creative endeavour of conscious sound explorers and music artists

Sound Therapists

If your healing modality involves Sound, you shall find here a platform to share your experiences and learn from other practitionners too.

Sound listeners and People with an interest in learning more about sound

This platform is for therapists, artists and simple sound enthusiasts alike. Nobody is greater than anyone on these spaces as we primarily speak from experience and welcome the novice as well as the initate.

How to join the community ?

You can simply subscribe to the formula that best match your needs. We make it simple for you to participate and contribute by allowing you access to one or several in-built tools within this platform:

1) The sonorium :  A library of sounds and recordings from all over the world gathered or created by our community for engagement and creative experimentation

2) The Apis Sofia: This is where our wisdom gets emulated and mutualized. As we come accross teachings, teachers, or resources that we have found particularly relevant to our journeys we get to collate them under one roof and mutually benefit from everyone's body of knowledge.

3) The living body: This particular section is about our live encounters. We offer several opportunities to gather during the year, in various locations around the world, forming different constellations to mutualize our learnings and experiment with new things together, always with a perspective of sharing our knowledge with others too.

4) The Temple: This is a sacred sanctuary within Soundctuary where we get to experience each other's medicine by organizing regular online gatherings and demonstrations. Those can be talks, sound baths, music performances, collective prayers or meditations, practices etc. Each participant is free to put up an offering and the rest of the community votes on what they would most like to see happening soon. We schedule the events accordingly.

5) Tours & Events: Down the line, the intention is for this community to become as much of an in-person experience as an online gathering space. Soon we will be looking at opportunities to offer our joint medicine in collective spaces where the need to harmonize and unify is greatly felt. Some inspiration would be G20 Events, World Health Summit, The NATO grand council etc.

6) The Forum : This is the place where everybody gets to ask their questions to the community and engage with topics related to sound. The key contributors within this space have a possibility to become moderators

When will Soundctuary go live ?

I am currently gathering the team and seed people who will carry this vision with me. As we progress towards the concrete manifestation of this platform, we will be requiring financial support to bring substance to the vision.



1) By becoming an early yearly subscriber to the platform. This comes at a fixed cost of 444euro. This way you ensure not only your early participation in the shaping of this space, you will also immerse in our early group conversations and decision making process and witness first hand the actualisation of a conscious collective dream.

2) Alternatively you can also choose to join the community and become part of the building team of the project, either by committing your time, skillset, or financial ressources to Soundctuary. I would then invite you to reach out to me directly either on or via phone: +33749648055 and we will discuss the potential of your involvment.

3) We will soon launch an online fundraising campaign for the suppot of this creative endeavour and shall send out messages to anybody who wishes to stay in the loop. So if that is you, please fill in the form below and let us know how you wish to be included at this stage !


At this early stage, the funds raised will go towards the support of the founding members of Soundctuary as well as the building of the tangible platform and events that will allow for this community to blossom into a manifest reality.

As soon as the basic format of the platform has been established, we will open for subsciptions and begin the process of gathering online and offline.

My ideal scenario for the beta version of this community (for early beta testers) woulb be to go live in September 2024.

Realistically we shall have a well functionning platform open to all by December 2024. In the meantime we shall keep collecting input, contacts and create ways to start weaving connections between our early participants.

If you feel a resonnance and wish to be involved in one way or another, please reach out to me and we shall explore together what would be the best way to get you started in this adventure.

I appreciate all of your support and enthusiasm and trust that together we can manifest ​this collective dream of peace, harmony and mutual support through the medicine of Sound.

With all my love, gratitude and thorough excitement for this vision about to manifest with all of you,


Become a part of the early community

If you wish to be kept updated as to our early progresses, please inform your details and you shall be added to our whatsapp group and email send outs.

Thanks for submitting!

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